Sign on Tablet
- Beehive system is the perfect solution for digitizing papers and converting all work from using papers to an electronic system, in addition to using advanced technologies in signing electronic documents as easily as signing on paper.
- Digital transformation requires the use of advanced technologies that help simulate daily jobs in an easy and smooth manner and without any complexity, and this includes many government sectors, telecommunications, industrial and service ..... etc.
- Beehive system secures the transition from paper work to electronic work 100% Any tablet device, regardless of its type, can be used to sign using or the index finger. The Stylus system supports the pen and many options in front of the user.
- Flexibility and ease of use have been taken into account for the different age groups of users.
How it works?
- The employee fills any data, asking to sign from the corner of the eForm.
- The eForm appears on the tablet.
- The eFrom is signed.
- The eForm returns with the signature to the employee's screen.
Additional Features
- Digital signature (signature with certificate) can be supported.
- An encrypted electronic signature in the database.
- Any other solutions that can be applied (according to the client's desire).
- The process of integration with other programs.